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Upcoming Rainbow Company Acting Classes and Outreach Events This Week!

Sign up for youth acting classes now!

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Rainbow Company Community Acting Classes

RBC Students in Class [ https://registration.lasvegasnevada.gov/NV/las-vegas-nv/catalog/index/3c19f871f55f7c21f45eb8c1ad5b34fe?filter=c2VhcmNoPVJhaW5ib3clMjBDb21wYW55JTIwWW91dGglMjBUaGVhdGVy&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Our Next Session Of Community Classes Is Just Around The Corner! 


Rainbow Company Youth Theatre offers multiple six-week sessions from September to May for young people ages 4-18 at the Charleston Heights Arts Center. Classes meet once a week and are based in theatre and performance. All classes are designed to build confidence, strengthen communication skills, and create connection.


Our next session runs Oct. 28 - Dec. 14, 2024. (No class on holidays Oct. 31, Nov. 11, and Nov. 25-30, 2024.) Registration is filling fast!



*Register for classes!* [ https://registration.lasvegasnevada.gov/NV/las-vegas-nv/catalog/index/3c19f871f55f7c21f45eb8c1ad5b34fe?filter=c2VhcmNoPVJhaW5ib3clMjBDb21wYW55JTIwWW91dGglMjBUaGVhdGVy&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*Storybook Adventures!*
Ages 4-6

Students in Storybook Adventures will be introduced to the fundamentals of dramatization through storytelling and creative play!


*Performance Fundamentals*
Ages 7-9

Students will gain an appreciation for theatre and knowledge of performance fundamentals through the use of voice, body, imagination, exploration and creative expression.


*Youth Acting Workshop*
Ages 10-12

Students in this class will work on theatre skills and beginning techniques that explore character and scene creation through warmups, theatre experiences and exercises.


*Teen Acting Workshop*
Ages 13-17

Students will hone their acting skills using improvisation, character development and scene study. Students will be challenged to take risks, make strong choices and explore truth through their work.

Upcoming Events You Can Catch Us At!

Rainbow Company Youth Theatre will be at Rainbow Library's annual Trunk or Treat this Wednesday, Oct. 23, handing out candy and presenting scenes from William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"! The performance will take place at 5:30 p.m. on the main stage!


Rainbow Library Trunk or Treat [ https://events.thelibrarydistrict.org/event/11290730?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Come celebrate with us at The Neon Museum’s first Neon Block Party! Rainbow Company students will present a short scene from William Shakespeare’s "Twelfth Night" around 10:45 a.m. this Saturday at 770 Las Vegas Blvd. North. Rainbow Company also will be hosting art projects inspired by the Shakespearean classic throughout the duration of the event!


Neon Museum Block Party [ https://neonmuseum.org/steam-saturday-neon-block-party/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

Student Spotlight

RBC Student - Vivienne Rajcevic

Vivienne Rajcevic


*Age:* 12


*Years in Rainbow Company:* 1


*Fun Fact about Vivienne:* "I am both an American and Australian citizen!"

*Do you have a pre-show ritual or tradition that you follow before stepping on stage?*

"Before every opening show, I kiss the back of my right hand. Don’t know why, it just works."


*How has theatre impacted your personal growth?*

"Theatre has allowed me to open up about myself and grow as a human being."


*What do you hope to accomplish or learn in your next few seasons with Rainbow Company?*

"I hope to learn more about tech and find what I excel at!"



RBC Student - Jai McDonald

Jai McDonald


*Age:* 16


*Years in Rainbow Company:* 3


*Fun Fact about Jai:* "I am a self-taught artist and I draw/paint in my free time!"

*What is your favorite memory from your time at Rainbow Company so far?*

"My favorite memory from Rainbow Company thus far is an 8-way tie between every 'Romeo & Juliet' performance. It was that show that really made me realize what I love most, being able to bring people together and create something beautiful for others. Whether it be performing or technical work, creating art and invoking emotions for people is so fulfilling."


*What advice would you give to someone just starting in theatre?*

"Take it slow, appreciate the things you’re doing and what you’re a part of. It can take a while for you to know what in theatre you’re truly passionate about."


*What is your favorite part of the rehearsal process?*

"My favorite part is definitely the start of tech week, because actors and tech get to show off what they’ve been working on to each other."



RBC Student - Benjamin Guzman

Benjamin Guzman


*Age:* 14


*Years in Rainbow Company:* 2


*Fun Fact about Benjamin:* "I love horror movies!"

*What inspired you to get involved in theatre?*

"I wanted to do something fun that pushed me out of my comfort zone."


*What was your first role or performance experience?*

"My first ever theatre experience was a show at Rainbow Company. Last season, we did 'Lord of the Flies' and I was in the ensemble. It was an amazing learning experience for me."


*How do you  balance school, theatre and other activities?*

"It can be hard doing so many things, but I feel like I need to do so much to feel a balance. I just try to do whatever I can whenever I can!"


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Las Vegas Seniors

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  • [登録者]City of Las Vegas
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Las Vegas, NV
  • 登録日 : 2024/10/22
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/22
  • 変更日 : 2024/10/22
  • 総閲覧数 : 174 人
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