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City of Las Vegas Public Art and Galleries Newsletter - March 11, 2025
- [Registrant]City of Las Vegas
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Las Vegas, NV
- Posted : 2025/03/11
- Published : 2025/03/11
- Changed : 2025/03/11
- Total View : 53 persons
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- 일본이나 다른 주에서도 부동산에 관한 일이라면 언제든지 상담해 주시기 바...
저 역시 2008년부터 라스베가스에서 생활하고 있기 때문에, 넓고 깊은 지역 정보 ・ 사정에 정통합니다. 일본에서 20년 이상 Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd., Merrill Lynch Japan Securities, and Deutsche Securities Inc. 라스베가스 최고 수준의 매출을 자랑하는 부동산 회사인 Realty One...
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개인용, 기업용 모든 보험을 취급합니다. 보험은 만일의 사태에 대비하여 매우 중요합니다. 다이와손해보험은 고객의 니즈를 파악하여 여러 보험사 중에서 가장 적합한 보험을 찾아드립니다. ! 자동차 보험 의료보험 ・ 해외여행보험 생명보험 산재보험 점포 보험
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2025년 1월부터 리얼브로커사와 합병하여 미국 전역으로 확장할 수 있게 되었습니다. 주거용 부동산 매매, 투자용 부동산 매매 및 상담, 임대물건 찾기와 임대차 중개 및 통역 등 부동산 전반을 다루고 있습니다. 고객님 한 분 한 분에 맞는 VIP 서비스를 제공합니다. 팔리지 않을 것 같다, 살 수 없을 것 같다고 포기하신 고객님들과도 진지하게 무료 스크리닝...
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마치 일본의 편의점 같은 슈퍼마켓 『Japan Market FUKUYA』 도시락과 샌드위치는 물론 컵라면과 생활용품, 캡슐 장난감까지 다양하게 준비되어 있습니다◎ 🍱도시락
🍚 덮밥 🍛 플레이트 ・ 카레 🥪샌드위치 🍣 초밥 🍜 면류 등 다양한 도시락, 반찬을 갖추고 있습니다. +1 (702) 202-2129ふくやマーケット
- Weee! 🇯🇵 ☘ ️ 재팬위크 마지막 주 시작 ❗ ️錦のお米 ✨ 超熟パ...
Weee! 🇯🇵 ☘ ️ 재팬위크 마지막 주 시작 ❗ ️錦のお米 ✨ 超熟パン ✨ 冷凍うどん ✨ 豚薄切り肉 ✨ うなぎ ✨ さばのみりん焼き ✨ バーモントカレー ✨ 豆腐 ✨ 特上甘エビ
말린 전갱이 ✨ 에리에르 티슈 등 ✨ 베스트셀러가 이렇게 저렴할 때만 ! 대부분의 지역에서 최단 익일 배송🚚💨 +1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
+1 (702) 760-3361Sang Injury Law Firm
- 나카타 마켓은 라스베가스에서 가장 다양한 품목을 취급하는 일본계 마켓입니...
저희 Nakata Market of Japan에서는 여러분의 건강 유지를 위해 몸에 좋은 유기농 및 NO MSG 상품을 다수 취급하고 있습니다. 일본인의 식생활에 빠질 수 없는 두부, 된장, 시라타키, 잘 알려지지 않은 브라운 라이스 떡까지 다양한 종류가 준비되어 있습니다. 자신의 체질, 컨디션에 맞는 식료품을 저희 가게에서 선택하시기 바랍니다.
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全米で37箇所存在する "National" 博物館のひとつであり、ネバダ州唯一の"National" 博物館です。(国定の一級博物館に昇格し、名称が変更されました)The National Atomic Testing Museum では1950年代から1990年代までに発生した核実験の歴史に関して、様々な展示を観ながら学ぶことができます。また、現在「ネバ...
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우리 팀은 콜드웰 뱅커에서 수년간 일할 수 있는 행운을 누리고 있습니다. 우리는 최신 기술, 가장 정확한 정보를 제공하고 있습니다. 우리는 단순히 부동산을 판매하는 것이 아니라 고객을 진심으로 소중히 여기고 있습니다. 저희 팀은 고객의 미래를 생각하는 서비스, 불필요한 스트레스를 줄이고, 작업을 단순화하며, 준비, 거래, 거래 후 안심할 수 있는 서비스를 ...
+1 (702) 496-7372KAORI GUERRA TEAM 不動産 / コールドウェルバンカー
- 일본계 최저가 라스베가스 대자연 투어. 그랜드캐년 국립공원, 모뉴먼트 밸...
라스베가스 시내투어, 국립공원 투어부터 인기 쇼의 저렴한 티켓까지 라스베가스 여행은 파크투어에 맡겨주세요 ! ! ・ 그랜드캐년 당일투어 ・ LA에서 출발하는 비행기로 가는 그랜드 캐년 당일치기 투어 ・ 앤텔로프 당일치기 투어 ・ 인기 일루미네이션 투어 ・ 쇼핑 투어 ・ 스카이 다이빙 인기의 실크로드 두 솔레이유 O ( ) 오
... +1 (702) 625-1516Park Tour Services, Inc.
- 일본 클리닉에서는 일본어로 종합의료, 정신과 진료 ( 온라인을 포함한 )...
일본 클리닉은 일본인, 특히 영어를 잘 못하는 분들을 위해 일본어로 의료 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 일본 출신 간호사가 친절하게 일본어로 의료 서비스, 약 처방, 검사 및 전문의 추천 등을 받을 수 있다. 미국 의료 관련 통역 ・ 지원 / 전화 의료 지원 / 보험 / 비용 지원
+1 (702) 994-7267Nippon Clinic
Justin [ ]
“Gypsy Rose Pinata” by Justin Favela
March 11, 2025
*In This Issue: *
* Don't miss our next events and workshops!
* Get creative and register for a few visual art classes.
* Seize the opportunity and apply for exciting artist opportunities today!
* Visit and be inspired by our current gallery exhibitions.
* Take a public art walking tour with us!
"What Is A Flaneurd? A Conversation With Matt Hodges"
Director of Art & Experience at Spiegelworld
Thursday, March 13, at 6 p.m.
Historic Fifth Street School Auditorium, 401 S. Fourth St.
Matt Hodges, Director of Art & Experience at Spiegelworld
Join us for the next free Public Art Education Series workshop, "What is a Flaneurd? A Conversation with Matt Hodges". Matt Hodges recently migrated from New York City to Las Vegas, working as the director of Art & Experience at Spiegelworld. For almost 15 years, he has been helping to create wild environments for shows and restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip and around the world. Approaching hospitality and entertainment from a theatrical point of view, he is interested in how their team can conjure in detail strange and beautiful worlds and the good times that can happen within them.
Seating is limited, so please be sure to register in advance for the workshop. See you there!
Art and Mental Health Resource Fair
Saturday, March 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Historic Fifth Street School, 401 S. Fourth St.
Bring the family to the third annual free art and resource fair supporting mental health and self-care through the arts, along with live music.
This event is co-sponsored by the First Friday Foundation and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
*Register Here!* [ ]
"Contracting Best Practices For Artists"
Thursday, April 3, at 5:30 p.m.
Historic Fifth Street School, 401 S. Fourth St., Suite 140
April 3
Student attorneys with the Economic Justice and Small Business Clinic at UNLV’s William S. Boyd School of Law, Danyelle (Danny) Baldwin and Lilian Xie
Join us for "Contracting Best Practices for Artists", a free workshop designed to help artists navigate the complexities of legal contracts. This course will explore the importance of written contracts, the basics of creating a valid contract, and when to seek professional help versus doing it yourself. The class is presented by student attorneys from the Economic Justice and Small Business Clinic at UNLV’s William S. Boyd School of Law. The clinic provides transactional, or non-litigation, services for small business owners and under-resourced community organizations and is one of the six clinics offered at the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic.
Seating is limited, so please be sure to register in advance for the workshop. See you there!
City Of Las Vegas Visual Arts Classes!
Charleston Heights Art Center, 800 Brush St.
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Join us for an exiting Book Arts workshop! The $20 sessions provide a fun and interactive way to tap into your creativity and create something unique and special!
Open Art Studio Graphic March 2025 [ ]
Be part of a dynamic art-making lesson! You'll explore innovative techniques and create memorable experiences. This hands-on session encourages personal expression while learning new skills in a collaborative, supportive environment.
Nevada School Of The Arts
New Classes Available For Spring Registration!
Visual Arts
Image provided by Nevada School of the Arts
The Nevada School of the Arts is excited to announce an expanded Visual Arts program for the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year. Director Erik Beehn has once again curated an exciting curriculum designed to offer our visual arts students opportunities to grow their creative skill sets and further mature as artists.
This semester, we are delighted to welcome Brian Martinez to the Visual Arts faculty. A distinguished graduate of UNLV and a current member of its adjunct faculty, Brian brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our community. He is leading our "Beginning Acrylic Painting" course, which takes place at the Historic Fifth Street School on Saturdays and Sundays; classes began Feb. 15. In addition, we offer "Beginning Drawing", "2D Fundamentals "and "3D Fundamentals."
Each class has a limited enrollment; sign up today to save your spot.
*Call for Artists: Celebrating Life! 2025 [ ]*
*Closes: Thursday, April 24, 2025*
The city of Las Vegas Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs is proud to present the 25th Annual "Celebrating Life! "juried exhibition. This long-standing exhibition highlights the creative talents of Southern Nevada artists ages 50 and better, displaying a diverse array of artistic expression.
*APPLY NOW!* [ ]
"The Dead Motels of Las Vegas"
Illustrations by David Cooper | Frames by Korey R. Replogle
"World Famous Clown Motel" by David Cooper I Frame by Korey Replogle
Charleston Heights Arts Center
800 Brush St.
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., closed holidays.
The themed motel has been an undeniable fixture peppered throughout the visual landscape of Las Vegas since its inception. The motel as the subject matter for this series is not just about pure nostalgia, but also a representation of the city’s flamboyant history and fickle nature.
This exhibition's illustrations are stylistically presented from the naive gaze of Cooper’s formative years growing up near The Strip. Executed with ink and mixed media on lush colored paper, the drawings evoke an innocent and idealized amalgam of the motels in their prime. In all, they celebrate a bygone era of gimmicky concept design, brilliant signage and antiquated amenities that boast about color television and air conditioning.
The frames constructed by Replogle also stem from childhood memories. His father, along with other business owners he knew growing up, all had framed pictures of their respective properties hanging in their offices. As a tribute, it evokes the sentiment that each drawing could very well be an artifact that hung in the lobby of the motel it portrays. Utilizing a wide range of distinctive hardwood materials and building techniques, the frame’s purpose is to be a discernible companion to the individual illustration it encapsulates.
So, with that said, please do not hesitate to let the front desk know if you need extra towels or a wake-up call arranged. Enjoy your stay!
*David Cooper *is a Las Vegas-based illustrator and painter who creates ink-motivated artworks. *Korey R. Replogle *is a Las Vegas-based independent woodworker.
*"Lunar New Year Exhibition: Year of the Snake"*
"On display through April 11, 2025"
"Serpents Serenity" by David Fay
*Historic Fifth Street School Mayor's Gallery*
401 S. Fourth St.
Hours by appointment; please call 702.229.3277.
This 14th annual Lunar New Year Exhibition celebrates the Year of the Snake, showcasing contemporary and traditional art. The symbolic significance of the snake represents transformation, wisdom and intuition.
Participating artists include Ailene Pasco, Alexander Hernandez, Alexandra Ivona, Alyssa Foreman, Andrea Knox Angela Caballero-Fields, Audrey Fox, Beth McCall, Bethany Thomas, Cameron Cools, Candace Wells, Casey Southard, Cesar Ceballo, Charme Curtin, Chelsea Rust, Christina Monique Flores-Escobar, Datz Seifert, David Lampel, David Fay, Deborah Lambin, Diane Bush, Don Michael, Jr., Elaine Vorster, Eva J Scoville, Ezequiel Canessa, Gwendolyne Echenagucia, James Scoville, Jamie Vincek, Jeffrey Oldham, Jenny Baham, JK Russ, Justin White, Karen Buford, Karla Cloninger, Kevin Buckley, Kurt Chang, Laura Green, Laura Esbensen, Lee Lanier, Linda Shaffer, Marcia Medina, Margaret DeClerk, Maricela Lopez, Marissa Gibson, Meghan Dragon, Michael Dodson, Mithun Nath, Mythili Pragada, Nalani Brown (Kumiko), Nalani Dickey, Pablo Gonzalez Flores, Rashaan Gordon, Rashi Jain, Rita Maroun, Robin Stark, Sophia Leon, Stewart Freshwater, Tampresia Balint, Theresa Lucero, Timothy Maassen, Vanessa Maciel Napoles, Vicki Rosenberg, Violet Topaz and Wendy De Rycke.
*"Stories From Backstage: "*
*"Cirque Du Soleil in Las Vegas"*
"On display through May 1, 2025"
Image provided by The Neon Museum
*Las Vegas City Hall Grand Gallery*
"495 S. Main St., first-floor lobby"
"Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., closed holidays"
The Neon Museum and the city of Las Vegas are honored to share the story of Cirque du Soleil becoming an icon in Las Vegas entertainment. Through a collection of show-based artifacts and interviews with team members, you are invited to explore the stories behind how professional athletes learn to embody roles as creative artists, how skilled designers marry safety and spectacle into every show’s design, and how technological and production advancements have changed what it means to create a modern, memorable Las Vegas entertainment experience. Specific focus is placed on the interplay between the company’s diverse people and the dazzling productions – including "KA, Mystere, Mad Apple, Michael Jackson ONE", and "O" – they bring to life.
"People of Color," Curated by Brent Holmes
*African American Heritage Month Art Exhibition*
On display through Aug. 7, 2025
"OG Yee Haw" by Naes Pierott
*Las Vegas City Hall Chamber Gallery*
"495 S. Main St., second floor"
"Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., closed holidays"
"People of Color" is a survey of African diasporic artists throughout Nevada. Ranging in medium, content and intent, the art of Black Nevadans is definitive of a greater creative legacy transcending trends and moments for more extended ancestral dialogues. "People of Color" is curated with the intention of further iterating the reality that Black life is American life. The African diaspora provides the primary wellspring of creativity and identity that we use to describe the constructive qualities of America. This selected group of artists drawn from multiple disciplines is presented as an expansive conversation about what being a Black artist in our region looks like.
Featured artists: E.A. Adams, Iyana Esters, Ashanti McGee, Petit Monstre, Naes Pierott, Vogue Robinson, Dana Satterwhite, Joseph Watson and Montaysia Yuneek.
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