Public Art & Galleries Newsletter
- [注册人]City of Las Vegas
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Las Vegas, NV
- 注册日期 : 2024/12/18
- 发布日 : 2024/12/18
- 更改日期 : 2024/12/18
- 总浏览次数 : 150 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- Weee!最新特卖(2月21日-27日) 🍙本周宫城人鱼饭,超熟面包,味之素饺子...
Weee!最新特卖(2月21日-27日) 🍙本周宫城人鱼饭,超熟面包,味之素饺子,鲭鱼味林烧、猪肚、鸡腿、鳗鱼等❤️,让您轻松在线购物,度过疲惫的一周 🌟大部分地区最快次日送达。🚚💨
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- Kaori Guerra 团队由 Kaori 和 Rowena 组成,他们在拉斯...
我的团队有幸与 Coldwell Banker 合作多年。我们提供最新的技术和最准确的信息。我们不仅出售房产,我们还真诚地关心我们的客户。我的团队致力于您的未来,我们的目标是减少不必要的压力,简化您的工作,让您在准备、交易和交易后都能高枕无忧。即使在交易之后,我们也希望为您提供帮助。如果您在收益方面遇到问题,可以随时联系我,并得到公司的帮助。我在房地产行业最大的成就就是看到我的客户安全、快乐和成功...
+1 (702) 496-7372KAORI GUERRA TEAM 不動産 / コールドウェルバンカー
- 隶属日本的拉斯维加斯最低价荒野之旅。包括大峡谷国家公园、纪念碑谷、安特洛普和塞多...
从拉斯维加斯城市游、国家公园游到热门演出的廉价门票,拉斯维加斯的一切都交给Park Tours ! ! ・ 大峡谷一日游 ・ 从洛杉矶乘飞机游览大峡谷一日游 ・羚羊一日游 ・ 非常受欢迎的幻灯之旅 ・ 购物之旅 ・ 跳伞 热门的太阳马戏团 O( O ) 和 Ka Kai 表演也可以特价和折扣价预订,只有通过签约代理机构才能获得。 ・ O \ ・ Ka \ ・ Le Rev...
+1 (702) 625-1516Park Tour Services, Inc.
- 如果您有来自日本或其他州的房地产事宜,请随时与我们联系。我们主要经营拉斯维加斯・...
自 2008 年以来,我一直住在拉斯维加斯,因此对当地 ・ 有广泛而深入的了解。 我在日本拥有 20 多年的丰富经验,曾在摩根士丹利日本有限公司、美林日本证券公司、德意志证券公司等金融公司工作过,在许多国家与许多人共事过。 我的目标是通过掌握最新的房地产信息,为房主和房地产投资者提供支持。 如果您想出售您的房产,请与我联系。
+1 (702) 635-6249Junko Shimada/Realty One Group
- Nakata Market 是拉斯维加斯商品最齐全的日本市场。由于您的支持,我们...
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+1 (702) 665-4610中田マーケット
+1 (702) 760-3361Sang Injury Law Firm
- 日本诊所用日语(提供全面的医疗和精神治疗,包括在线)。对于没有保险的人,我们可以...
+1 (702) 994-7267Nippon Clinic
- Japan Market FUKUYA 是一家类似于日本便利店的超市,提供从便当...
日本市场 FUKUYA,一家像日本便利店一样的超市 提供各种便当和三明治,还有杯面、生活用品甚至胶囊玩具 ◎ 🍱 便当 🍚 饭碗 🍛 碟子 ・ 咖喱 🥪 三明治 🍣 寿司 🍜 面条 以及许多其他便当和配菜。
+1 (702) 202-2129ふくやマーケット
- 这个博物馆位于拉斯维加斯,教授 "核试验 "的历史。
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+1 (702) 794-5151The National Atomic Testing Museum
- 有关拉斯维加斯~亨德森的任何房地产事宜,请随时联系井上香织,Urban Nest...
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Public Art & Galleries [ ]
In this Issue:
* Events
* Apply for Artist Opportunities
* Visual Arts Education Offering
* Current Gallery Exhibitions
*West Las Vegas Arts Center Community Gallery
947 W. Lake Mead Blvd.
Hours: Wednesday *-* Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Gallery hours may vary; please call ahead.
Free and open to the public.*
For more information, call 702.229.4800.
We were there
We Were There! Our Trail of Tears! By artist Donald Corpier Starr
""Finding My Heritage: Cherokee Freedmen, A Visual Account" Exhibition"
On display Starting Dec. 21, 2024
An Installation by Donald Corpier Starr on display Dec. 21, 2024, through Feb. 28, 2025.
Meet-the-artist reception Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024 | 2-5 p.m.
"My father’s family were *Cherokee Freedmen, *who were former black slaves of the Cherokee Nation. Growing up in the Starr household, I did not know his history until well after his death. He was born in 1902 and never spoke of his childhood growing up in the Indian Territories in the early 1900s. In 1866, there was a treaty with the Union and the Cherokee Nation when the Civil War ended. The treaty mandated Cherokee Freedmen be recognized as members of the Nation. Cherokee Freedmen descendants weren’t recognized as true Nation members until 2017, after a long class-action court battle in the Cherokee Nation and United States court systems. We, as Cherokee Freedmen, have a long hidden history as chattel slaves in the Cherokee Nation. This exhibit is my attempt as a Cherokee artist of Freedmen descent, to uncover my father’s hidden Cherokee heritage through my art.”
"Donald Corpier Starr"
Artist Opportunities
Call for Artists: Lunar New Year of the Snake [ ]
Closes: Dec. 30, 2024
The city of Las Vegas Public Art and Gallery Program seeks artists interested in creating new artwork for the "Lunar New Year Exhibition: Year of the Snake".
Call for Artists: Aerial Gallery Artwork License [ ]
Closes: Feb. 6, 2025
The Public Art and Gallery Program seeks to license images of original artworks for the Aerial Gallery Banner Exhibition as part of the First Street Art Trail.
Call for Guest Curators [ ]
Rolling Acceptance
The Public Art and Gallery Program seeks individuals interested in submitting their qualifications for fine art gallery exhibition and temporary public art project curation. The team wishes to explore new ideas and perspectives by inviting guest curators to share their process and vision for our community’s public spaces.
*Apply Now!* [ ]
Visual Education
Visual* Arts Education Classes*
*Charleston Heights Arts Center | 800 S. Brush St.*
"Join Us For Classes At "
"The Charleston Heights Arts Center"
"Including Painting & Drawing For Teens, "
"Open Art Studio, And More!"
Instruction is led by professional teaching artist, Mary Homan. Homan holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in visual art and is a Phi-Theta-Kappa honors recipient. She is published in photography, has art exhibition experience and holds art teaching licenses in Arizona and Nevada. She has many years of teaching experience in art and art history, from preschool age through college and beyond.
For more information, please email sward@LasVegasNevada.Gov.
*Learn more and sign up here!* [ ]
Gallery Exhibitions
*Historic Fifth Street School | Mayor’s Gallery**
*401 S. Fourth St.*
*Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.*
*Free and open to the public.**
Ojo de Coatlicue by artist Yazmin Garcia
"Mexican Mythologies: Past and Present Exhibition"
On display through Jan. 16, 2025
This celebration of Mexican culture was brought together by a partnership with the city of Las Vegas and the "Consulado de Mexico en Las Vegas. "The exhibition explores and celebrates Mexican cultural mythologies from the Aztec, Mexica and Culhua-Mexica people.
*Charleston Heights Arts Center | Gallery** *800 S. Brush St.*
*Hours: Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. **
**Closed on Sundays and most major holidays.* *
**Free and open to the public.**
Dee-Ceased by artist Tami Biniaz
"Southern Nevada Veterans Creative Arts"
On Display Through Feb. 22, 2025
Veterans Affairs Southern Nevada Healthcare System, in partnership with the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 76, co-hosted the third annual Southern Nevada Veterans Creative Arts Competition in 2024 at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in North Las Vegas. Two previous years of competition have been held at the Charleston Heights Arts Center, in collaboration with the city of Las Vegas. This exhibition is a continuation of that partnership and an opportunity to continue connecting our veterans with the greater Las Vegas community.
*Las Vegas City Hall | Grand Gallery Exhibitions**
*495 S. Main St., First Floor*
*Hours: 7 a.m -5:30 p.m.; Closed Friday-Sunday and holidays.*
*Free and open to the public.**
MemoryBANK by artist Miguel Rodriguez
"All Outta Bubblegum"* by Miguel Rodriguez*
On Display Through Jan. 28, 2025
Check out the solo exhibition by artist Miguel Rodriguez. Rodriguez moved to Las Vegas from Kansas in 2001. He earned a Bachelor in Fine Arts degree in ceramic sculpture from the Kansas City Art Institute and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. While working as a sculptor for a casino signage company, he mastered sculpting foam and casting large rubber molds, key skills for creating his monumental works. Rodriguez has completed multiple sculpture and mural commissions throughout Las Vegas and currently serves as a visiting assistant professor of Ceramics at UNLV.
*Las Vegas City Hall | Chamber Gallery**
*495 S. Main St., Second Floor*
*Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Closed Friday-Sunday and holidays.*
*Free and open to the public.**
Alberta Sunrise by artist Melody Smith
"Public Employees Art Exhibition"
On Display Through Jan. 30, 2025
Each year the city of Las Vegas presents an exhibition of artwork created by Nevada public employees. It’s our pleasure to showcase the exceptional talent and creativity of our state and local government workers, both current and retired.
Meet the artists who contributed to this exhibition, including Brit Allen, Flocerfida Benincasa, Angie Bosco, Kevin Buckley, Karen Buford, Diane Bush, Cesar Ceballos, CluAynne Cornwin, Margaret DeClerk, Jody Drainville, Tressa Fernandez, Joan Gray, Megan Heeres, Cheryl Hobbs, Mary Homan, Jennifer Kleven, Heather Lang-Cassera, Jacqueline Laredo, John McVay, Rich Mueller, Ailene Pasco, Yasmine Redding, Elias Reed, Laurence Reese, Megan Roadifer, Ingrid Ruffin, Richard Saladino, Sabryna Sarda, David Seidner, Linda Shaffer, Amanda Slater, Chanel Smith, Melody Smith, Robin Stark, Georgia Stergios, Miguel Tapia, Regina Tellez, Araceli Torres, Irma Varela, Rebecca Williams, Jonelle Wilson, and Jamie Zepeda.
*First Street Art Trail*
*495 S. Main St., Along First Street*
*Available to view at all times. *
*On display through March 2025.*
*Free and open to the public.*
By artist Sara Jean Odam
"Rainbow Spotting "Installation by Sara Jean Odam
On Display Through March 2025
"Rainbow Spotting "is inspired by the artist’s experiences teaching a small group of young children at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, while newly living in Las Vegas. Anxieties were prevalent amongst the grown-ups at that time, as parents struggled to determine how best to keep their kids safe. Amidst the swirling daily barrage of stress-inducing news and nail-biting decisions to make, the kids just wanted to play. Regardless of what was going on, if a rainbow suddenly appeared in her classroom, everyone paused and expressed delight at spotting this amazing discovery, which was fleeting and could easily be missed while trying to get “important work” done. Every time a moment like this occurred, it was an offering for her grown-up mind, body and spirit to pause and experience some childlike joy and wonder, especially during a time of great suffering.
"Rainbow Spotting" offers up painterly, brushy, soft-textured cerulean blues and a charged fluorescent safety orange, chosen to echo the vast desert sky alongside the construction cones and signage alerting their presence everywhere on the streets of Vegas. Paired with the tear-shaped suncatcher prisms, the resulting rainbows generate an opportunity for a moment of joy, wonder and hope during a time of global anxiety for passersby going about their everyday business.
Sara Jean Odam is a painter and educator interested in performance, observation and transformation. Born in 1980 in Chicago, Illinois, she is a Midwesterner at heart and spent 20 formative years studying and working as a painter on the east coast, primarily in Brooklyn, before landing in Vegas in 2020. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Painting from Boston University. Her work has been exhibited in Boston, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York; and at Available Space Art Projects and The Marjorie Barrick Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her work also has been commissioned for television, Broadway and several circus productions. She is currently part of the 2024-2025 Canopy Program Cohort through NYC Crit Club.
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