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日本クリニックは日本人の方、特に英語の苦手な方に日本語で医療サービスを行っています。日本出身のナースプラクティショナーによって丁寧に日本語での医療サービス、お薬の処方、検査や専門医への推薦などが受けられます。アメリカ医療関係での通訳・サポート / 電話での医療サポート / 保険/費用のサポート
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個人用、企業用の全ての保険を取り扱います。保険はもしもの時の備えて大変重要です。ダイワ保険ではお客様のニーズを理解し、多数の保険会社の中から一番お客様に最適なプランを用意させて頂きます。弊社のWeb サイトもご覧下さい!www.daiwainsurance.com自動車保険医療保険・海外旅行保険生命保険労災保険店舗保険
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
+1 (702) 760-3361Sang Injury Law Firm
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私自身も2008年よりラスベガスで生活しておりますので、幅広くそして深い地域情報・事情に精通しております。日本で20年以上、Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd., Merrill Lynch Japan Securities., and Deutsche Securities Inc. 等のファイナンシャル系企業で多くの国そして人々と関わってきた多様な経験を生かしながら、尚且つラスベ...
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+1 (702) 355-8050URBAN NEST TEAM by REAL Broker, LLC(井上かおり)
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私共Nakata Market of Japan では皆様の健康維持の為、身体に良いオーガニック及び、NO MSG商品を多数取り揃えております。日本人の食事に欠かせない豆腐、味噌、しらたきやあまり知られていないブラウンライスのお餅まで幅広くいろいろな種類のものがございます。ご自分の体質、体調に合った食料品を当店でお選び下さい。
+1 (702) 665-4610中田マーケット
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全米で37箇所存在する "National" 博物館のひとつであり、ネバダ州唯一の"National" 博物館です。(国定の一級博物館に昇格し、名称が変更されました)The National Atomic Testing Museum では1950年代から1990年代までに発生した核実験の歴史に関して、様々な展示を観ながら学ぶことができます。また、現在「ネバ...
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まるで日本のコンビニのようなスーパーマーケット『Japan Market FUKUYA』お弁当やサンドイッチはもちろん、カップ麺や生活用品さらにカプセルトイまで幅広くご用意しております◎🍱お弁当🍚丼ぶり🍛プレート・カレー🥪サンドイッチ🍣お寿司🍜麺類など、さまざまなお弁当、おかずを取り揃えております。
+1 (702) 202-2129ふくやマーケット
- 日系最安値のラスベガス大自然ツアー。グランドキャニオン国立公園やモニュメントバレ...
+1 (702) 625-1516Park Tour Services, Inc.
Media Advisory
*David Riggleman* | Director of Communications | 702.229.2207
* *
*Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024*
MEDIA CONTACT: MARGARET KURTZ| 702.229.6993 | 702.249.1828 | mkurtz@lasvegasnevada.gov
**Las Vegas Municipal Court To Celebrate 65th WIN Court Graduation* *
"Specialty Court Focuses On Female Offenders Impacted By Trauma"
The Las Vegas Municipal Court will celebrate the 65th Women In Need of Change (WIN) Court graduation at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024, in the court’s Department 1 Courtroom. News media are invited to attend the ceremony and interview the participants.
The 65th WIN Court graduate, Leighanna Plumeria Trail, 34, has a criminal history, as well as years spent surviving on the streets. After a lifetime of trauma, grief, substance use and obstacles, she has accomplished the demanding mandated program requirements and worked hard to build a new life. Trail is living independently, working full time, has reconnected with family, reunited with her sons, and built a solid recovery support community. She has shown a tremendous commitment, dedication and focus in maximizing opportunities throughout her journey to meet her goals and define a new destiny. Las Vegas Municipal Court Chief Judge Cynthia Leung and the WIN Court team, who supervise the program, could not be prouder of the woman she has become; her future is unlimited.
Graduation celebrates the journey of a woman who imagined the life she wants and has worked very hard to achieve, if not surpass, her initial goals. The strength and determination of Trail is an inspiration to women in recovery and to the women who are following in her footsteps through the WIN Court program.
Women In Need of Change (WIN) Court is a trauma-responsive specialty court program in the Las Vegas Municipal Court that focuses on female offenders with a history of criminal behavior, and misdemeanor and/or substance use-related charges, by targeting the root of the issue − trauma"." Through the WIN Court program, the women learn the tools to change their way of thinking to make positive choices and create their future. All participants have 180 days of jail time suspended for a minimum of 18 months, which is cleared upon successful completion of the program.
The women who participate must comply with rigorous sentencing requirements throughout the program, including drug treatment and intensive counseling programs, earn a GED or pursue education/training, and secure employment. The defendants must stay out of trouble and abstain from drugs and alcohol during the program. The Court celebrated its first graduate in August 2008.
WIN Court currently is funded by an Edward "Byrne" Memorial Justice Assistance "Grant, SAMHSA grant" and a grant from the Nevada Administrative Office of the Courts.
*Las Vegas City Council *
Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman | Mayor Pro Tem Brian Knudsen
Cedric Crear | Victoria Seaman | Olivia Diaz | Francis Allen-Palenske | Nancy E. Brune
City Manager Mike Janssen
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